If a social worker contacts you or visits your home to ask you questions about your family, they might work for a delegated Aboriginal agency. Delegated Aboriginal agencies have an agreement with the Ministry of Children and Family Development to provide certain child welfare services to Aboriginal communities.
If the social worker's concerns are very serious, the social worker might take your child from your home.
You have the right to get legal advice. Call Legal Aid BC immediately to find out if you qualify for a free lawyer and an advocate through a Parents Legal Centre.
Parents Legal Centre — Provides a free lawyer and an advocate to help parents in select locations address the social worker's concerns about their children's safety (child protection) early on
Legal Aid Family Duty Counsel — Lawyers paid by Legal Aid BC who can help people with low incomes with their family law issues, and can give free legal advice, but can’t take on your whole case or represent you at trial
Representative for Children and Youth — Provides support for children, youth and families