The Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement is an effort by the Canadian government to address the damage that Indian residential schools caused. Under the agreement, the government provided payments to Indian residential school survivors.
The information below might bring back painful memories. If you become upset, call the Indian Residential Schools 24-Hour National Crisis Line immediately at 1-866-925-4419 (no charge). The crisis line will help you find emotional and crisis services.
For more information on healing and support, see the Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program website.
Deadlines have passed to submit applications for payments. No further payments will be issued.
The value of any unused payments is being transferred to the National Indian Brotherhood Trust Fund and the Inuvialuit Education Foundation. They'll communicate with the public about the educational programs they developed to benefit all First Nations, Inuit, Inuvialuit, and Métis.
See also the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Official Court website and the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat website.
image credits:
A group of students in front of the school buildings of Washakada Indian Residential School, Elkhorn, Manitoba, circa 1900
Indian Boorne & May. Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, PA-182261