A Second Chance

A Second Chance

A Gladue rights story

A Second Chance is about Gladue rights for Aboriginal peoples. When Myra is charged with assault with a weapon, she learns about her legal rights. She gets a Gladue report for her sentencing hearing. Find out more information about this video. See also A Second Chance graphic novel.

To find out about getting a Gladue report, see BC First Nations Justice Council.

If you're charged with a crime

If you're charged with a crime
Call Legal Aid BC to find out if you qualify for a free lawyer.

604-408-2172 (Greater Vancouver)

1-866-577-2525 (elsewhere in BC)

Where to get more help

Where to get more help
Native Courtworker and Counselling Association of BC

If you don't have a lawyer or your lawyer doesn't know about Gladue rights, a Native Courtworker might be able to help you.

604-985-5355 (Greater Vancouver)
1-877-811-1190 (elsewhere in BC)


See this website for information about abuse and family violence.