Are you Aboriginal? Do you have a legal issue?
Learn your rights and what you can do.
BC First Nations Justice Council
Indigenous Justice Centres in BC
Indigenous Justice Centres offer culturally appropriate information, advice, support, and representation for Indigenous people.
Contact BCFNJC to find out about your legal rights, get help with a child protection or criminal issue, or get Gladue services.

Keeping your kids safe

Have you been accused of a crime?

What is a healing plan?
Learn about sentencing other than jail and First Nations Court.

What are Gladue principles?
Your history as an Aboriginal person matters and must be considered at bail and sentencing.

What you need to know if you live on reserve
The laws have changed about your home if you live on reserve.
Parents Legal Centres can help
The Parents Legal Centre (PLC) focuses on helping parents resolve their child protection matters early and collaboratively. It offers services at any stage of the child protection matter.